Senin, 14 Maret 2016

My Amazon Kindle and CreateSpace Monthly Income writingaboutkidsandfamily

I figured I should start sharing my Kindle and print book figures since I am hoping they skyrocket this year and next. I want you to see the changes from month to month and what actions I took. I hope its an encouraging post for you! I dont post to brag, but to show you that it takes time to build up an audience and income, especially if you are a busy homeschooling mom like myself who cant devote 40 hours a week to writing. Ill make sure to update it monthly, and please leave me a comment if you have any questions!

*Ive heard that CreateSpace pays when you hit a certain amount or monthly and that Kindle pays two months later. Please realize these are the figures I RECEIVED during the month noted. So I might have EARNED the money weeks or months earlier but I am keeping track of what I received in my bank account!

Head to my Amazon author page to see my current offerings in print, ebook and Kindle Unlimited options!

January $52.00
Actions: a few tweets here and there, a couple of free days
Books on Kindle: 4
Books on CreateSpace: 1

February $23.00
Actions: a few tweets here and there, a couple of free days
Books on Kindle: 4
Books on CreateSpace: 1

Books on Kindle:
Books on CreateSpace:

Income for year: $642.74
Expenses (buying copies to give away or for blurbs, proofs, covers on Fiverr: updated cover for 6th edition, cover for print with spine): approximately $60

January $22.93

February $0

March $0
Actions: Got my ebook Make Money Writing About Your Kids into print version and all books on Kindle Unlimited

April $61.18

May $184.20

June $15.00

July $83.43

August $72.00

September $55.00

October $3.00

November $61.00

December $85.00

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