Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

January Jammin 2014 Work from Home Income Stop Whining Make Money

January is definitely setting the tone for the year at $1,611.52. If I could keep that up all  year, Id be on track to bring down about $20,000 this year, which would help with so many things (kitchen remodel, paying off my husbands truck, a new PC, new tires for the previously mentioned truck and more!).

As always, I dont post this because Im bragging; I post it as a challenge to you if you want to do what I do. Of course there are those who make much more than I do, but I choose to do what I do with kids underfoot and I can only put in a handful of hours per week. The income potential for you is there, and I just want to share sources and helps with you.

In case you wanted to know, here were Aprils numbers, and then Mays numbers. Then here are Junes numbers, and you can see Im increasing my income every month. July was amazing but not as good as August! September was $1,651.26. October was a little better than that. Heres November. Here was December 2013.

I am in the Stop Whining About Money and Do Something About It Club! Care to join me in 2014? Open enrollment is now and there are lots of new members!

Disclaimers: For the record, I have no reason to lie to you about any of the income I’m reporting, and the most underhanded, nasty, smarmy thing I’m going to do is give you my referral links so I can make a whopping dime or so off of each person who signs up to do what I’m doing! The dollar amounts I show are what I actually RECEIVED in my hot little hand or PayPal account, not what I EARNED because things show up at different times and take different amounts of time to come around.

Just like always: I STILL do not count my eggs before they are in my PayPal account. Now, lets get started:

1. Fiverr. $332. The majority of my income is from proofreading when my kids sleep.

2. Bubblews. $320.84. Just click on the word Bubblews and you can sign up using my referral link and I might make a dime. This is basically a blogging site that you can read more about here. Anyone can join.

3. Regional Parenting Magazine articles, new and reprint: $150. That would be thanks to this little gem, and Im not even really trying or writing anything new. I got busy with proofing and slacked hard on this area, but plan to make a comeback in 2014! My girlfriend also just got a piece published using the email submissions list I have in this book. It works!

4. PostLoop. $5.91 doing not much at all. Im going to send you here because I have a lot of information on this and it needed its own post. Bottom line: probably worth it and potentially $10/hour while you watch TV. *IF YOU SIGN UP UNDER ME USING MY REFERRAL LINK, THANK YOU! PLEASE DO THE 10 POSTS TO GET STARTED; YOU WILL GET POINTS FOR THOSE AND THEN A RATING, THEN YOU CAN CONTINUE ON.

5. Private proofing, formatting, social media jobs: $640

6. BlogHer tweets, Facebook posts and blog ad income: $55.34

7. The Kindle Pixie, my side business helping authors get the attention they deserve: $84.50

8. Ebooks on Amazon: $22.93 is my half after I pay my partner, who designs all my covers and does other misc. wonderful things. I now have 5 ebooks on Amazon with a 6th on the way (Laid-Back Homeschooling) and a 7th (The Kerrie Show Takes on Summer), so I am not to be deterred about this ebook business! Heres how to find my offerings! And heres how to find the ebook below for only 99 cents, which leads to another, free one with tons more markets for online and guest posting venues that pay:

Come back to see February 2014s numbers!

*Yes, I pay taxes on every stinking cent!
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Download Sedra Smith Microelectronic Circuits 6th edition PDF Free Download

Download Sedra Smith Microelectronic Circuits 6th edition PDF Free Download

Download Sedra Smith Microelectronic Circuits PDF

Download Sedra/ Smith Microelectronic Circuits 6th edition ebook free. This book is a popular book on microelectronics. It is on analysis of electronic circuits. The book starts with devices and basic circuits- signals and amplifiers, operational amplifiers, semiconductors, diodes, MOS and BJT transistors. The following chapters dwells into the details of operational amplifiers, then diodes, MOS Transistors, BJTs. The second section contains integrated circuit amplifiers, differential and multistage amplifiers, feedback, output stages and power amplifiers, operational power amplifiers, CMOS Digital logic circuits, advanced MOS and Bipolar Logic Circuits, Signal Generators and Waveform-Shaping Circuits.

Download Now
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Tesla by Marc Charles


6:19 AM


Ive completed my third book on Tesla. A very interesting fella.

Its amazing how Edison and JP Morgan tried to crush Tesla on two (probably more) occasions.

People become oddly vicious when they think someone is going to jeopardize his or her "meal ticket".

When JP Morgan realized Tesla discovered the secret to "free energy for everyone all the time"....and that JP Morgan was unable to "put a meter on it"....he set to destroy, crush, eliminate and whatever him.

This practice is very much alive today!

As an entrepeneur I recommend reading anything "accurate" you can get your hands on about Tesla.

Thats it for today...short post....but powerful :)

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Senin, 30 Mei 2016

30 Magazine Submissions in 30 Days June Day 16 30Submissions30Days

Here is the post that started it all! I suggest you go check it out first before you take on the challenge. You can start the challenge at any time and each days post leads to the next day! Here is yesterdays post, #15.

Here is the piece I am sending out for today. Its also a reprint like Ive been sending and is an evergreen piece. Instead of sending my reprints once and then never again, I think sending them annually is smarter. Editors change, publications come and go, opinions and magazine space change.

I suggest you get a good system down that works for you. I use Excel and in one tab have all the publications and what they have used of mine (so Im not sending a magazine something theyve already used and wasting their time), in another tab I have it arranged by article so I can see when each was published and how it did, another tab for financial stuff like invoice numbers and amounts, and another tab for my submissions plan.

So here is my offering to the magazine gods today, and Ill keep you updated on how it fares. Its already been used three times and I received $85 for it then did nothing more with it!

#16 The Allowance Issue

And here is your #16 tip/step/help for the month:

Some magazines like a photo with an article if you can provide something of quality for free or a small fee. Otherwise, you could at least hit or some other site with free photos for something appropriate to match with your article.

If you want to dust off your ideas and take the challenge with me sometime this summer, comment below and get my book here on Amazon as an ebook or as a print book. My book not only has all the markets you need with contact and pay information, but also embellishes on the tips Im going to be giving you this month to get you going. I recommend the print version (I make the same amount of money either way pretty much) because you are going to want to make notes, cross things out, highlight publications youve worked with, etc.

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UPDATED October 2013s Kick Ass Work From Home Income

Lets just get straight to the point: October 2013 weighed in at a whopping $1,774.96 (if I could do that every month, that translates into about $21,000 per year working part-time from home and taking Sundays off ... not bad for a girl who didnt even go to college!). So far this year Ive made about 12 grand from my home while homeschooling my brood and going out to play with them almost every afternoon. And did I mention October is one of our busiest months for social outings and homeschooling and life in general?

In other words, I have a life. Im only working a few hours a day and if I could work full-time I could easily be pulling down close to $50,000, which I dont think is too shabby. The roofing project went over by about $1,000, and Im able to help pay that off. The kids are still in gymnastics at about $200 per month, and Christmas is going to be a breeze this year. Hubs needs new tires? No problem!

Here were Aprils numbers, and then Mays numbers. Then here are Junes numbers, and you can see Im increasing my income every month. July was amazing but not as good as August! September was $1,651.26.

I am in the Stop Whining About Money and Do Something About It Club! Care to join me? Open enrollment is now!

Disclaimers: For the record, I have no reason to lie to you about any of the income I’m reporting, and the most underhanded, nasty, smarmy thing I’m going to do is give you my referral links so I can make a whopping dime or so off of each person who signs up to do what I’m doing! The dollar amounts I show are what I actually RECEIVED in my hot little hand or PayPal account, not what I EARNED because things show up at different times and take different amounts of time to come around.

Just like always: I STILL do not count my eggs before they are in my PayPal account. Now, lets get started:

1. Fiverr. $531. The majority of my income is from proofreading when my kids sleep, but I also have gigs for promoting things via my social media outlets.

2. Bubblews. $303.52. Just click on the word Bubblews and you can sign up using my referral link. This is basically a blogging site. Anyone can join. (updated November 2015 and I dont write for them anymore because they kept changing the pay structure and so now its very difficult to make a dime there and they take FOREVER to pay. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM AT ALL ANYMORE and am taking my articles down from that site)

3. Regional Parenting Magazine articles, new and reprint: $155. That would be thanks to this little gem, and Im not even really trying or writing anything new.

4. PostLoop. $5.14 doing absolutely nothing. Im going to send you here because I have a lot of information on this and it needed its own post. Bottom line: probably worth it and potentially $10/hour while you watch TV. *IF YOU SIGN UP UNDER ME USING MY REFERRAL LINK, THANK YOU! PLEASE DO THE 10 POSTS TO GET STARTED; YOU WILL GET POINTS FOR THOSE AND THEN A RATING, THEN YOU CAN CONTINUE ON.

5. Private proofing, formatting, social media jobs: $530

6. BlogHer ads income from 2 tweeting campaigns plus one month of ads on my main blog: $107.06

7. Ebooks on Amazon: $11.24 is my half after I pay my partner, who designs all my covers and does other misc. wonderful things. I now have 5 ebooks on Amazon with a 6th on the way (Laid-Back Homeschooling), so I am not to be deterred about this ebook business! Heres how to find my offerings!

8. The Kindle Pixie. This is a new business venture where we do ebook promotions (free days, reviews, send ebook to review and free sites, write press releases, do formatting and covers and proofreading and more!) and I split profits 50/50 with my partner, so this month we made $132. (updated November 2015 I do not own this business anymore)

Come back to see November 2013s numbers! (**Ive also been updating for 2015 as well!)

*Yes, I pay taxes on every stinking cent!
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Is Running A Gaming Blog A Waste Of Time Is It So

Running A Gaming Blog Is A Waste Of Time - Is It So?
Hello folks!.. Today i have jumped in with a very exciting discussion about “Is Running a Gaming Blog Really a Waste of Time". Have you wondered to launch a gaming blog where you can provide free games and software’s? Have you ever thought to earn with gaming niche blogs?. Well we will discuss about this very interesting and hot discussion. Running a gaming blog where you can provide free games and software’s is really an easy job in blogging compared to others, yet there are some undetermined things of which we will have to take care. I have seen a hundred of gaming blogs; moreover they are earning a handsome amount. Though not many of us will successful in launching a gaming blog. Let’s get in deep by understanding each fact separately. Read out them carefully so as to build a successful blog and start earning a good avenue.

1//  What Facts Should Be Understood Before Getting Started.

If truth be told, Google doesnt like blogs providing free and cracked games and software’s. Even though, Google launches their updates which cleans the search engine and removes the links of gaming blogs. Google always check each blog to see what activities are going on. If a users wishes to launch a gaming blog in which he will provide free games and software’s, Google will of course want to kill that blog. You may have observed blogs providing free games and software’s; nevertheless, they earn a huge amount. Now you may be inquisitive about the way to earn with gaming blogs. Well that isnt hard; we will just have to work hard.

2//  How To Get Started

Before starting money, you will have to do follow the best tools that can help you. Even it worked on my blog and will definitely work on each blog.
  • Start A Blog With An Keyword Rich And Enthralling Name
  • Upload A Professional Theme
  • Start Publishing Quality Posts
  • Wait Until The Correct Time To Start Earning
1// The first thing is of course starting a new blog and finding an authentic and keyword domain for your blog. Find out an awesome domain which wills suite your blog niche.
2// The second foremost work just after starting blogging is finding out an enthralling theme for your blog. Your visitors after landing on your blog will first look on the theme of your blog, remember visitors always loves blogs having professional stuff, and off course no one will waste time on non-usable and useless stuff.
3// The third interesting yet hard work is publishing quality posts. Always keep effective tips in mind which is quality content. Whenever you are going to write a new post always write some content it, write information or description of the game or the post which you are going to publish. Remember quality content really matters.
4// The final step is waiting, after starting blogging and posting around 150 to 200 posts, you will find a dramatic change in your blog visitors plus your website will be more visible in the search engine. To optimize blog SEO (Search Engine Optimization) you need to implement all the above steps. When you are done with posting you will wait up to 2 to 3 months but it depends on blogs some gets hit in the first month while others takes time, be patient and wait for the correct after getting around 700 and 1 thousand daily visitors you are ready to start your earning. Now you may be curious how to start earning. You really dont need to be. Follow the below step to find out an awesome way of earning through your blog.
How To Start Earning Revenue.
OK! Here is the exciting session of earning. Well after successfully getting visitors and having popularity on the webpage it’s time to be smart. We will be placing ads on our blog so as to earn money. The best way of earning through a gaming blog is by placing 360 small ads button in our posts. After researching on the internet i found out a best advertising network named "360 Advertisement". This network actually allows us to place their ads button in our blog. You can further discuss and start earning just by contacting 360 Advertisement Program 360 Advertisement Program
Having a gaming blog is really an romantic and affectionate work and everyone loves to enjoy. Yet there are some fact which should be understood and applied properly. If you face any difficulty or face any query regarding this tutorial please inform us by leaving your valuable comment below.
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The Great Copywriting Scam by Marc Charles

May 7 2015
7:33 AM
Dear Friends:

Ive enclosed a sales letter for a client of mine in Asia. 

This simple three page letter remains the "control" for their product.

It only took a couple of hours to write this letter.

There are millions of so-called copywriters on planet Earth :) But only a small portion of these can actually produce consistent sales with his or her copy.

If you need some help with a sales letter, landing page, email promo, or any copywriting please drop me a note. Maybe I can help.

Granted, I turn down about 90% of the projects I see but you never know.

Marc Charles


As seen on Reuters, AP and MSNBC….

Do Not Hire a Private Tutor Until Your Read This Letter

How to retain a private tutor for a fraction of the cost!

Dear Friend:

The private tutor industry has run wild!

So-called “tutor franchise” companies are charging clients and students up to $200 an hour for private lessons.

But you don’t always get what you pay for when you hire a tutor.

We’ve developed a FREE Report to show you how to get find the BEST tutor, and how this industry works in the real world.

You can retain a private tutor for almost any skill. But the most popular reasons include personalized instruction in English, communications, language skills or to overcome learning disabilities.  Our Special Report will show you how to retain a professional tutor for fraction of the cost.

The Special Report is entitled:

Private Tutor Reveals Seven High-Performance Keys to Noteworthy Advancement

FREE Download Here

Our Special Report will show you:

·       The advantages of hiring a private tutor over a tutor franchise
·       How to advance your career
·       How to improve your English skills
·       How to overcome learning disabilities (like ADHD)
·       How to be an effective communicator
·       How to improve pronunciation quickly and easily
·       How to improve your writing skills
·       How to improve organization skills
·       And more!

You’ll also discover the benefits of having a PERSONAL, private tutor versus a classroom setting. You can ask anyone who has retained a private tutor and they will tell you which way is best!

Retaining a Private Tutor for a Fraction of the Cost!

One of the best ways to retain a private tutor and save money is by going to direct to them.

In other words, the best and most sought after private tutors often work for themselves, out of his or her home office.

The tutor franchise companies don’t want you to know this, but it’s a fact.

If you want personal, customized, professional tutoring in dozens of areas, we can help you.

Our new Special Report will show you HOW to retain your own tutor at a fraction of the cost.

Download Our Special Report Now
Click here [MCS1] 

If you want to advance your career, improve specific skills, or learn English as a second language…..a private tutor is the way to go.

It’s important to know and understand a tutor’s credentials too.

One of the best ways to check a private tutor’s credentials is by asking their students!

If a private tutor will not produce client names or testimonials then walk away! It’s that simple. You can’t afford a private tutor who can’t teach!

You can receive personal, customized tutoring, in the comfort of your home, from a top-flight professional.

We’ll show you how when you download our Special Report.

If you think that’s great, then you’ll love this.

Having a personalize tutor to help you with English skills, communication, career advancement, writing or email communication, will change your life.

Here is what tutor students are saying:

Testimonial #1
“Wow! I don’t know why I didn’t use a personal tutor ten years ago. This is fantastic. I’ve been able to breeze through appraisals at work and advance my career.”
                                                                                                           Tom Gentry

Testimonial #2

Testimonial #3[MCS2] 

Don’t miss this opportunity to retain a personal tutor at a fraction of the cost!

Download our Special Report today!
Click here

There’s no cost, obligation or risk.

Do Not Hire a Private Tutor Until You Get All the Facts
Learn how to retain a private tutor for a fraction of the cost!

 [MCS1]Link to special report or download

 [MCS2]You can insert testimonials here. I provided one as an example (you can use it).
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Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

Top 10 Most Beautiful Birds in the World 2014

Top 10 Most Beautiful Birds in the World 2014

You have see lot of post on Nature which really amazed you and you like and give great response so today in this post have listed Worlds most wonderful and beautiful creation Birds, Which i am sure love all people around world. There are lot of species around world and may be you even dont know about all these beautiful birds species. These all birds has awesome color shades and perform such actions which you cant imagine. Most of Species found in the Pacific and forest which is really amazing, These all exist from hundred of years but human found now. Below is the list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Birds in the World 2014

1. American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch
North American Bird

2. Scarlet Tanager
Scarlet Tanager
North American Forest Bird

3. Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin
Sea Water Bird

4. Golden Bird
Golden Bird
Western China Bird

5. Peacock
South Asian Bird

6. More Terrific Bird Of Heaven
Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Feeder
New Guinea & Aru Islands of Indonesian Bird

7. Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal
North American Bird

8. Gurney’s Pitta
Gurney’s Pitta
Thailand and Myanmar Bird

9. Rainbow Lorikeet
Rainbow Lorikeet
Aaustralian & New Zealand’s Bird

10. Red Macaw
Red Macaw
Southern Mexico focal and South Americas Bird

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Download Engineering Electromagnetics by William Hyatt 8th Ed pdf free


Download Engineering Electromagnetics by William Hyatt-8th Ed

First published just over 50 years ago and now in its Eighth Edition, Bill Hayt and John Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics is a classic text that has been updated for electromagnetics education today. This widely-respected book stresses fundamental concepts and problem solving, and discusses the material in an understandable and readable way. Numerous illustrations and analogies are provided to aid the reader in grasping the difficult concepts. In addition, independent learning is facilitated by the presence of many examples and problems. Important updates and revisions have been included in this edition. One of the most significant is a new chapter on electromagnetic radiation and antennas. This chapter covers the basic principles of radiation, wire antennas, simple arrays, and transmit-receive systems.
Download Now

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Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016


Try to jump as high as you can. Bend your knees. Now jump! No matter how hard you try, or how high you jump, you always come back down again.

Something called gravity pulls you back down. Gravity holds you down on Earth. Without gravity, you would fly off into space. You would jump up and just keep on going. That might sound like fun, but you could not live very high up. For one thing, you need to breathe air. The higher you go, the less air there is. You need gravity to keep you down on Earth.


Gravity is a force that pulls two objects toward each other. The force is also called gravitation. The bigger an object is, the stronger its gravity. Small objects, and even cars and buildings, have so little gravity that you can’t feel their pull. Huge objects like Earth, however, are a different story.
Earth is so much bigger than you that its gravity makes you “stick” to the ground. Earth is bigger than the Moon. Earth’s gravity pulls on the Moon. That is why the Moon orbits, or goes around, Earth. The Sun is bigger than Earth. Its gravity makes Earth go around the Sun.

Earth’s gravity pulls toward the center of Earth. Gravity holds the oceans and the atmosphere on Earth. The Sun’s gravity pulls toward the center of the Sun. It holds the Sun together.


Gravity has always been around. In ancient times, people tried to explain why things fall toward Earth. An English scientist named Sir Isaac Newton came up with a great idea about gravity in 1687. He thought about how an apple falls and wondered how far gravity went. He came up with the idea that gravity does more than hold people on Earth.

Newton thought of gravity as a kind of mysterious force pulling objects together. He said that gravity holds the Moon in orbit around Earth. It holds the planets in orbit around the Sun. Newton’s ideas on gravitation explained many things about how apples fall and how stars and planets move.


In the early 1900s, another scientist named Albert Einstein came up with a very different idea of what gravity is. Einstein had some pretty amazing ideas. He said there was something called space-time. He thought of gravity as a dent in space-time.

This is not as hard to imagine as it might seem. Think about placing a bowling ball on a soft mattress. The mattress is like space-time. The bowling ball is like a star. The bowling ball makes a dent in the mattress. This is sort of how a star dents space-time. If you try to roll a tennis ball past the bowling ball, it curves around the bowling ball as it passes through the dent.

The planets in our solar system roll around the dent in space-time made by the Sun. The dent keeps planets from going off into space. The dent in space-time keeps the planets going around the Sun.

Scientists are still not sure what causes gravity. Finding out more about gravity is an important problem for the future.
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Astonishingly Low Winning Price For Gold Coin on Pricebenders !


I was monitoring tonights first ever Pricebenders Gold Coin penny auction tonight. I  was expecting the auction to go above $20 for the Chinese Panda gold coin (worth $83.55 USD).

As often happens when I "monitor" an auction, I keep working on other sites, blogs or forums or whatever, and get immersed in my work only to discover that the auction has finished! So much for my "monitoring"!

Thats what happened tonight, and the winner got hold of a Chinese Gold Panda coin for just $3.24 with free shipping thrown in as well. INCREDIBLE!!

If youd like to try and pick up some incredible bargains on the Pricebenders penny auctions, here is the link to the Pricebenders website (its free to join).

Yours, green with envy,

David Hurley
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Blackrock Auxiliary Power Unit APU Information for the Owner Operator

My Problems with a Blackrock APU

See my other posts:

A Holiday Wish 
Blogs, Forums and Other Resources
The Way it Was - A Short History of Trucking
Pro and Cons of Being an Owner Operator
FAQ for the Owner Operator
PicturesAnti-Idling Regulations
Definitions and Industry Terms
Interactive Cost per Mile (CPM) Calculator Spreadsheet 
Privacy Policy
1) Owner Operator 411 – Welcome
2) Income and Expenses
3) Financing and Credit 
4) Operating Authority or Leasing? 
5) Equipment
6) How To Do Bookkeeping and Other Necessary Paperwork 
7) What You Need to Know About Loadboards 
8) Companies That Lease Beginning Owner Operators
9) What You Actually Need to Get Started - Licenses, Permits, Insurance, and Taxes 
10) Truck Driving Schools

  BLACKROCK APUs are no longer being manufactured, as the company has gone out of business.

Subject: Misrepresentation of online advertising of Blackrock Evolution Auxiliary Power Unit (APU).

Complaint: I researched APUs for about a year and in September 2008, finally decided to purchase a Blackrock Evolution because 1) It is available with a 5.2 kW generator, 2) It has an optional “Quiet Comfort” kit, 3) It has a programmable digital electronic control unit (ECU) with a battery monitor, which keeps the batteries charged 4) There is a nearby service center, and 5) It has higher BTUs than any other APU I researched. The old control unit had a battery monitor, but it only told you when the batteries were low, it did not keep them charged.
After the APU was installed on my truck, I was told the one I purchased did not come with an programmable digital ECU. I was told mine was an older model (Rev 6), and if I wanted the programmable digital ECU, I would have to upgrade and purchase one for about $1,200.00 to $2,000.00 (every time I was told I could purchase it, I was given a different price). When I purchased the APU, no one told me it was an old unit. Blackrock uses the term "Rev" to mean "Revision".
It took many phone calls and communications with both Blackrock and their dealer, Cleveland Brothers, before I got any satisfaction from either; then it was only from Cleveland Brothers, Blackrock never even responded to my certified letter of complaint.

Why I feel the programmable digital ECU should have been on the APU I purchased:

I have screen shots of Blackrocks website, stating that the programmable digital ECU is standard, not an option or an upgrade.
Since I contacted Blackrock on 24 September 2008, concerning this matter, they added one web page, buried under “News”, stating the battery monitor is a retrofit option for
Revs. 1 – 10 Standard Feature on Rev 11 forward”
and added one web page (also under “News”) stating,
"modular electonics is available as a BLACKOCK® APU product upgrade, our team of engineers have designed a feature that moves the APU’s electronics to a protected environment. This upgrade will protect the APU’s electronics from corrosion and debris. Offered as an upgrade only Available for Revs 1 – 10”, then below that it says, “revs 1 – 11”.
and changed one web page "Options" by adding
"New Programmable Digital Electronic Control Unit (for revisions 14+)”
Still on their web site (as of today, 04 March 2009), is their Product Specification Sheet, which lists the ECU as a feature, and it is not included in the options section. It does not mention any upgrade, or any particular model or Rev., and Product Specification Chart, which lists the ECU as a feature, and it is not included in the options section. It does not mention any upgrade, or any particular model or Rev. Also, if you click on “Electronic Control Unit” on it describes the ECU, but does not mention it being an option, an upgrade, or only being on certain models or revisions.
I cannot prove the added or changed pages were added or changed after I called Blackrock, but I can show screen shots of Blackrocks various web pages, or screen shots of various pages of their pdf files (e.g. user guide) showing dates ranging from March 2008 to August 2008 (before we purchased our APU). All of these pages either list the ECU as a feature, or omit it as an option. Not one of them say anything about an upgrade or being available only on certain “revisions”. In the Evolution User Guide Version 1, Rev 1, which describes the operation of the ECU, it is not listed with the other options under the options section.
I have been researching APUs for about a year. One of the ones I looked at was a Blackrock. I thought I would like the Blackrock for several reasons, among them the high BTUs; the many features of the digital programmable digital electronic control unit (ECU), with new battery monitor which keeps the batteries charged; and the fact that there is a Cleveland Brothers Equipment service center within 20 miles of where I live, which is an installation and repair center, but not a dealer; the Quiet Comfort option; and the availability of the 5.2kW generator. The Hunker, PA facility is over three times that far from me.
After looking at Blackrocks web site and reading all of the information numerous times, I called, the contact person listed on Blackrocks web site, at Cleveland Brothers Hunker, PA facility.
When I asked the contact person a couple of questions about the unit, he referred me to Blackrocks web site for details. After calling him several more times gathering additional information, I finally decided the Blackrock Evolution, with the Quiet Comfort option, was the APU I wanted. I asked him if he had one in stock, or if it had to be ordered. He said he had one in stock. I asked if it had a 3.7 kW or a 5.2 kW generator, and he said it had a 5.2kW generator.
On 28 August 2008, I called Owner Operator Services, Incorporated [OOSI] (a division of Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association – OOIDA), to apply for a loan. I was faxed the paperwork. I filled it out and returned it on 02 September. Upon learning of our loan approval on 04 September, I called Cleveland Brothers and scheduled an appointment for installation. The appointment was scheduled for 15 September. This date was chosen as I was leaving on vacation on 18 September and I would be able to pick the truck up before I left, as I was told the installation would be finished on 17 September.
I notified OOSI that we would be picking up the truck on 17 September, and was told that after we inspected the unit and it met with our approval, the money would be wired to Cleveland Brothers, and that it would take about two hours for the transfer.
On 12 September, I took the truck to Cleveland Brothers to leave it to have the installation done. On 16 September, I called Cleveland Brothers and was told the truck would not be ready on the 17th. I told them as I was leaving on the 18th, I would have to wait until the 22nd to pick up the truck. They said that would not be a problem. I did not call OOSI and tell them that we would be picking up the truck at a later date.
On the 22nd , I went to Cleveland Brothers to pick up the truck. Upon arrival, I found out that OOSI had already paid for the APU on the 17th.
The contact person started the APU, and showed me how it had been installed, how it worked, etc. When he picked up the control unit, I asked for the operation manual and for him to show me how to program the unit. He said the APU was not shipped with an operation manual, but he had one faxed from Blackrock and gave it to me. He said they would mail me a copy of the original. The one they faxed and the one they mailed to me were copies of the one from the website, and both had the operating instructions for the programmable digital electronic control unit.

He also told me the control panel was not programmable. He said that he had just discovered that Blackrock had upgraded the control panel to a programmable one, but it would cost $1,800.00 to $2,000.00 dollars, and I would have to pay for it if I wanted it.

As OOSI had already paid for the unit, I took the truck home. Immediately upon arriving home, I called Blackrocks customer support and spoke with service representative, Julie Adams, and asked about the programmable digital ECU. I was told that Cleveland Brothers had ordered the APU they installed on our truck in February 2008, before the control unit had been upgraded. Ms. Adams told me to talk with Cleveland Brothers, but there was nothing Blackrock could do, except to sell me the upgrade.

I asked her how I was supposed to use the control unit which came with our APU, as the instructions were all for the new programmable digital ECU. She faxed me seven pages of a user manual containing the instructions for the control console that came with my APU. The faxed copies were almost unreadable, and the “pictures” were just black blobs.
On the 23rd, I spoke with the contact person at Cleveland Brothers and he told me that he did not know about the upgraded electronic control unit until the 19th, when a customer called and asked about it. I told him that when I researched Blackrocks web site, it showed the programmable digital ECU, and nowhere did it say anything about the unit being upgraded, or there being an older non-programmable unit. He said that after I got home, I decided I wanted something better, and thought I could get it without paying for it. He also told me that was not possible that I had seen the programmable digital ECU on Blackrocks website before I purchased mine, as Blackrock had just added the new unit to their site sometime after 12 September.

However, on Blackrocks web site, it had a PDF of the user manual for the Evolution, which explained in detail how to program the digital electronic control unit. I had downloaded and printed this manual. I had read it several times before I decided to purchase the Blackrock Evolution. The document properties show this manual was created on July 15, 2008.
Blackrocks web site also had a Evolution product specification sheet (PDF) which clearly states that the Programmable Digital Electronic Control Unit is a feature (not an option). According to the document properties this is dated 31 July 2008.
It also had a Evolution product specification chart (PDF) which listed options, but again, the ECU was listed as a feature, not an option. This chart was dated 07 August 2008 on the document properties page.

There was also a news release on Blackrocks website, dated 27 March 2008 introducing the Blackrock Evolution. In that release, it states, “it comes standard with the same robust, high performing features as its big brothers, including a battery monitor to keep batteries charged and an electronic control unit that can be programmed to perform a wide range of functions.” The news release also lists the options, but once again, the ECU is listed as standard, not optional, and does not say anything about it only being on certain revisions.

Also, Blackrock has a picture of the of the programmable digital electronic control unit on their web site and I have a screen shot of the image properties, which shows it was added to Blackrocks web site on 29 July 2008. No where on their site, did it show or mention the control unit which came with my APU.

The Cleveland Brothers contact old me the only recourse I have is to purchase the programmable digital electronic control unit at Cleveland Brothers cost. He then told me to wait and he would see what he could do.
On 24 September, I checked Blackrocks web site and found it had been changed. The digital programmable electronic control unit is now listed as an option – on one page only – the other pages (specifications chart, specification sheet and press release), still do not list the programmable digital ECU as an option. There were also two web pages listed under “Update”. One says the battery monitor is a “Retrofit Option for Blackrock APU Revs. 1 – 10. The other upgrade page says the APU electronics have been moved to “a protected environment”. However; both the product specification chart, the product specification sheet, and the press release are still on the Blackrock web site.

Also on 24 September, I had not heard from Cleveland Brothers contact, so as I am a member of Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), I called them about this matter. Blackrock is a corporate supporter of OOIDA and I thought they could give me some advice regarding this issue. I spoke with a man named Bruce, explained our problem and sent him some of the screen shots. He told me he would call me back. When he called me, he told me he had spoken with “the owner” of Blackrock and told him of our problem. Within 15 minutes of my being informed of Bruces call to Blackrock, the Cleveland Brothers contact called me and told me told me that Cleveland Brothers would order and install the ECU. I asked if there be any charge, and he said, that although he didnt think it was right, there would be no charge.
He also told me that Blackrock would be unable to ship the ECU until November. I was not happy about that, but accepted it.

On 25 November, having not heard from Cleveland Brothers, I called just to see the when the ECU would be in. The contact told me that it could not be shipped for several more months yet. He also told me that Cleveland Brothers would only pay for the installation, not the programmable digital ECU. When I told him that is not what he told me in September, he again started saying that I knew what I was buying and that after I got home, I decided we wanted something better. If that were the case, why would I have asked him to show me how to program the programmable digital ECU while I was still at Cleveland Brothers facility dealership when I was picking up the truck on 22 September and then immediately call Blackrock as soon as I got home?
After much discussion, the Cleveland Brothers contact agreed to initiate a three-way phone call with himself and his “boss”, Tony, myself and Blackrock on 02 December. By 12 December I had heard not one word from the contact. If he were having difficulty getting the call together, he could have called and told me that. By not contacting me at all, I can only surmise that he was avoiding me and thought that if he put this off long enough, I would go away.
On 12 December, I called the contact and left a message. He promptly returned my call. He told me again that he can not get the
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30 Magazine Submissions in 30 Days June Day 25 30Submissions30Days

Here is the post that started it all! I suggest you go check it out first before you take on the challenge. You can start the challenge at any time and each days post leads to the next day! Here is yesterdays post, #24.

Here is the piece I am sending out for today. Its also a reprint like Ive been sending and is an evergreen piece. Instead of sending my reprints once and then never again, I think sending them annually is smarter. Editors change, publications come and go, opinions and magazine space change.

I suggest you get a good system down that works for you. I use Excel and in one tab have all the publications and what they have used of mine (so Im not sending a magazine something theyve already used and wasting their time), in another tab I have it arranged by article so I can see when each was published and how it did, another tab for financial stuff like invoice numbers and amounts, and another tab for my submissions plan.

So here is my offering to the magazine gods today, and Ill keep you updated on how it fares. Its been used three times and I received $95 for it from just one round of submitting!

#25 8 Ways to Eat Organic on a Budget

And here is your #25 tip/step/help for the month:

Utilize social media! Follow magazines on Twitter and Facebook, share their posts. When you are published in a magazine, make sure to share the online piece all over your social media to drive traffic to the publication.

If you want to dust off your ideas and take the challenge with me sometime this summer, comment below and get my book here on Amazon as an ebook or as a print book. My book not only has all the markets you need with contact and pay information, but also embellishes on the tips Im going to be giving you this month to get you going. I recommend the print version (I make the same amount of money either way pretty much) because you are going to want to make notes, cross things out, highlight publications youve worked with, etc.

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Download CCleaner Full Version free for windows 10

CCleaner, one of the most downloaded Windows cleaning and optimization utility, has been updated to add support for the recently released Windows 10 operating system. CCleaner 4.19.4867 and above versions are fully compatible with Windows 10 operating system.

Download CCleaner Full Version free for windows 10

Download CCleaner Full Version free for windows 10

CCleaner for Windows 10

In addition to PC cleaning, CCleaner can also be used to optimize the operating system by removing unwanted programs from the startup list. This little program also helps you uninstall applications that can’t be easily removed from Windows via Control Panel.
Download Now
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C Program which takes n values from user and then sort them using Bubble sort

C# Program which takes n values from user and then sort them using Bubble sort

Program Statement:
Write a program which takes n values from user and then sort them using Bubble sort

 public class bubble
int n, x, y, z;
public void sort()
System.Console.Write(" Enter length of array : ");
n = Convert.ToInt32(System.Console.ReadLine());
int[] array = new int[n + 1];
int[] temp1 = new int[n + 1];
int[] temp2 = new int[n];
System.Console.WriteLine(" Enter {0} numbers : ", n);
for (x = 0; x < n; x++)
array[x] = Convert.ToInt32(System.Console.ReadLine());
for (y = n; y > 0; y--)
for (z = 0; z < y; z++)
if (array[z] > array[z + 1])
temp1[z] = array[z];
array[z] = array[z + 1];
array[z + 1] = temp1[z];
temp2[z] = array[z + 1];
{ temp2[z] = array[z]; }
Console.WriteLine(" >>>Ordered List<<< ");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", temp2[i]);

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All About Making Money on Fiverr as a Proofreader Writer and More! WAHM

I stumbled on in April of 2013 when I was looking for a way to make money from home online to pay off some mounting dental bills and other things and my husband had FINALLY given in and suggested we get Internet at home.

I was not disappointed. I immediately had a full queue of jobs and found that I could customize my gigs ... if I was not busy I could put my gig on a 1-day delivery time. If I was full up, I could change it to a 29-day delivery time to discourage new orders. Give it a shot. Its a versatile way to make money online.

Starting Out
I dont know if I just got lucky or what but people gave a newbie a try and soon I had good reviews coming in and more jobs. I was so busy at one point in 2013 that I was outsourcing, which was a total shit show (Im going with two words for shit show instead of making it one ... haha!).

I shut down my outsourcing situation and tried to keep up with the work on my own but soon had no life and my kids were eating too much fast food all summer. I got a bad review because I was hurrying through my work and it all went to hell for a while. It picked back up and then I overused Vacation Mode.

Just in the last few months I have gotten back on and made a decent income again. Ive done many different gigs on Fiverr besides proofreading so poke around to see what else you can offer. I put my delivery on at least 3 days so that keeps my orders low enough to manage. The main guy who does 24-hour delivery basically works full-time all day long doing small jobs. The client is charged $5 and you receive $4. At first I thought that was robbery but now I realize THEY are finding the clients for me pretty much so I will happily take my $4 for proofreading 1,500 words. I got more orders when my gig was for 2,000 words but it was taking too long to proofread that for $4 with so many non-native English speakers sending projects my way. Those projects just take longer because they require more time and reworking.

I have some Fiverr tutorials here on different topics:

How to get started as a proofreader on Fiverr

How to get started as a writer on Fiverr

Other gigs you can do on Fiverr

Payment and competition on Fiverr

Giving and getting feedback on Fiverr

Offering good customer service on Fiverr ... or anywhere

Heres my post on doing book reviews on Fiverr.

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