Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016

My Income and Sources for April 2013

Total income for April 2013 = $438.69 (spoiler alert: May is over $1,000; post is coming soon!)

For the record, I have no reason to lie to you about any of the income I’m reporting, and the most underhanded, nasty, smarmy thing I’m going to do is give you my referral links so I can make a whopping dime or so off of each person who signs up to do what I’m doing!

The dollar amounts I show are what I actually RECEIVED in my hot little hand or PayPal account, not what I EARNED because things show up at different times and take different amounts of time to come around.

I do not count my eggs before they are in my PayPal account.

Fiverr. I made $0 here in April, only because I didn’t sign up until April 16th. You’ll freak out when you see May’s numbers. The majority of my income is from proofreading in the wee hours of the morning when my kids sleep but I also have gigs for selling my ebooks cheap, writing blog posts, selling reprint articles and promoting things via my social media outlets. 

Bubblews. Signed up here on April 26 and received $0 by the end of April. May is looking hella good, though. 

Regional Parenting Magazine print and online articles and reprints: $340. Yeah, still working on the 5th edition of the ebook (see right sidebar for 4th edition) and someday plan to query the nationals but am too busy on Fiverr!

BlogHer. Just one sidebar ad here made me $3.30 in January, $5.49 in February plus I got paid for a tweeting program for $50. They have lots of rules to follow, like you can’t have ads from anyone else on your site and can’t even post blogger giveaway opps. I only stay with my abusive boyfriend BlogHer because sometimes he offers me chances to review cool things for $50 or to Tweet a few times about a product for $50 and then he sucks me right back in. I’m pretty sure he’s jealous of Bubblews, though. 

AdSense??? I put questions marks because what I earn is all theoretical here. It shows that I earn an amount but will I ever see it? So it looks like I earned $19.22 in April from several blogs combined, but … I don’t make any money here, but it’s fun to receive free stuff in the mail and just do a quick review. Then you can either keep, regift or sell what you got! 

Ebook sales from were $39.90. I also sell the ebooks through Fiverr but count those in Fiverr income. 

Here are some I’m trying out:

PostLoop. Signing up and getting started is a PITA, but I hope to be able to report back some decent income from commenting in Forums. 

LikeNation. You know how you enter giveways and have to like and follow countless people? Well, if you have your own sites that need a’followin’, check this out. You like and follow and get “points” to do it. Then you can post what you want liked or followed and can use those points you earned. So you’re trading favors. 

Come back to see May’s numbers because you will flip your lid! (Hint, as of May 19 I’m already at $605). Great, now all my friends will be hitting me up for a loan. Haha! 

*Yes, I pay taxes on every stinking cent!

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