Kamis, 31 Maret 2016


A circus is a show that includes a variety of entertaining acts. It’s usually a traveling show that moves from town to town. Circuses perform in an arena or under a big tent. Some circuses stay in one place. The famous Moscow State Circus in Russia has performed in Moscow for many years.
Most circus acts take place in a round area called a ring. Small circuses have one or two rings. The largest circuses have three rings. Perhaps the most famous circus in the world is the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. It was the first-ever three-ring circus, with acts going on at the same time in every ring. It still calls itself the “Greatest Show on Earth.”
What will you see at a circus? Well, you might see acrobats, jugglers, and tightrope walkers. You might see elephants parading, tigers jumping through flaming hoops, or skilled horseback riders performing tricks. You certainly will see clowns, and lots of them! Throughout the show, a circus band plays lively music.
The ringmaster is the person in charge of the circus floor. He or she is your host. The ringmaster might wear a tuxedo and a top hat. He might even sing and dance. But whether it’s a one-, two-, or three-ring circus, the ringmaster will introduce you to all the exciting acts you’ll see.
Most circuses feature animal acts. In fact, the modern circus began with an animal act back in the 1700s. A former soldier named Philip Astley performed tricks on horseback in England. His style of show, which became known as Astley’s Circus, was a hit. Circuses soon spread through Europe and then to the United States.
Over time, circuses added many other animal acts. Today, you might see bears, lions, tigers, chimpanzees, or dogs performing tricks at the circus. At the Moscow State Circus, you can even see trained porcupines!
One of the most popular circus animals is the elephant. These intelligent and playful animals can learn many tricks. They are so sure-footed they can balance on one foot.
Circuses usually have acrobats-people who perform gymnastic and balancing stunts. Some acrobats perform on the ground and some perform high in the air. On the ground you’ll see acrobats tumble and jump over one another. You’ll see them stand on each others’ shoulders to form huge human pyramids. Acrobats on horseback perform amazing and dangerous tricks while their horses trot around the ring.
In the air you’ll see the acrobats on the trapeze, a swing high above the ground. Trapeze artists do daring midair spins and jump from one swing to the next. Sometimes, members of a trapeze team throw each other through the air!
Tightrope walkers also perform their exciting acts in the air. They walk, do somersaults, and even ride bicycles-all while balancing on a thin wire high above the floor.
What’s a circus without clowns? Every circus has them. Dressed in funny costumes and makeup, clowns entertain the audience between the other acts. Clowns play pranks on each other and perform comic stunts, such as tripping over their own shoes. Some clowns are skilled acrobats.
How do you learn to be a clown? Believe it or not, you go to special clown schools! The most famous is the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Clown College in Venice, Florida. Since 1968, more than 1,200 clowns have graduated from the school.

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