How I Turned
In One DayWith
One Transaction
By Bright Esiuke
©2009 Copyright Reserved
This is a FREE publication based on the authors personal experience.
If you find it useful, please feel free to share it with others.
Remember, the sky is wide enough for all birds to flock.
In case you dont know - Try and practice this adage:
The more people you help, the happier you will be
My name is Bright Esiuke and I decided to give out this book for
FREE just to help out people who are always short of money and have
tried several things without success.
As I always told my friends, there are several ways to make money
using the internet without trying to cheat other people of their hard
earned sweat.
This method I want to show you is just one of many ways.
I will also like to quickly point out that - I observed that most people
always get frustrated easily because of lack of patience and too much
expectation. You should try to avoid getting yourself into that same
For example, I said I made over N200,000 in one day using the
method I am about to show you here. If you dont make up to that
amount in one day or even after 2, 3 or more days later, dont start
getting worried.
Even if you make $500 (which is about N60,000) by spending just
N2,000, is that not a good profit to start with?
As long as it works for me, it will definitely work for you too.
Unless dem follow you from village ?
NOTE: Before we start, let me give you a quick advice so that I dont
raise your hope unnecessarily.
I actually made this amount in one day because I spent extra money
to make it very fast and that is because I have the extra money to
If you dont have extra money to spend, dont worry, it will work for
you but it may take you between 1 and 2 weeks. Which I think its not
too bad either.
But if you have some extra money to invest, Ill list what you can do to
fast-track your success at the end of the book.
What are we going to do?
What we are going to do in this report is to buy and sell domain
It sounds too simple isnt it?
Dont worry, I will show you how I spent just N2, 000 to buy a
domain and sold it for $1,680 in just one transaction with this simple
method within 8hours.
Even if you dont know what a domain name is, dont worry, just
follow this guide step-by step.
You can even give it to your 10 year old child to do for you or your
housewife / husband to do at her / his spare time.
Trust me. It works!
Below is the summary
1. Understand what a domain name is and decide what name to
2. Buy domain name : What type and where to buy
3. Park your domain name : Where to and why you should park
4. Sell domain name : Where to sell and how
5. Collect your money : How?
6. Repeat 2 to 5 above (If you like. I am sure you will)
What you need to be successful
1. At least N2,000 (or more if you want to multiply your income
2. A mobile phone number (where you can receive text message)
3. Print out this book now and find a cybercafe around your area,
if you dont have internet access at home.
OK. Lets go
WARNING: Make sure you do exactly as I say below because its
exactly what I do and it works.
What is a domain name?
Domain name is just another name for a website name.
For example, is the domain name for Yahoo website.
Anybody can register any domain name as long as it is still available.
What domain extension is best?
In most cases there is preference for .com domains. But from
experience, once you have a good name (as explained below), any
extension will sell just like others.
Domain names comes with extensions such as
.com (Usually used for companies and individuals)
.net (Same as above but for internet/network related
.info (providing information about something)
.org (For organisations such as Churches, Mosques, Clubs,
and associations)
.us (For US based companies, most other countries have
their own extensions too. e.g. .ng for Nigeria)
.tv (For Television/Video/Music related sites)
.mobi (For mobile phone related services)
and so on.
What type of domain name sells fast?
Note: If you get this section very well and able to get very good
domain name, you can sell it for unbelievable amount within 1 hour.
1. Any domain that has only 1 character e.g.
2. Domain names with only 2, 3, or 4 words long e.g.,,
3. Famous peoples name. Dont use your own name o! Because if
you are famous, I know you wont be reading this now. So try
something like for example
4. Popular organisations, companies, individuals, musicians,
authors etc e.g.,,,
5. Book titles or film titles
6. Popular phrases or sayings
7. Generally any domain with reasonable name that is related to
any of the following categories will sell any day:
Health e.g. Weight loss, diet, skin, fitness, addiction,
Pets e.g. Dogs, Cats, etc
Sports e.g. Cycling, Polo, Soccer, Golf, etc
Relationships e.g. Marriage, Dating, Divorce, etc
Money Making Opportunities (Work at Home)
Entertainment and recreation : Travels, Music, Electronics
Self-Improvement : Education, Fashion, etc
In summary:
The domain is short, a real word and is easy to remember
It is a generic domain, e.g. like, or
The domain is easy to spell and not prone to typographical errors
The domain is product-related and therefore has a high commercial value
The domain doesnt violate any third party rights (e.g. trademark rights)
The TLD geographically matches the language of the domain name
What to do now
Based on my explanation above, take a piece of paper, put on your
thinking cap, and jot down some domain names that comes to your
Do this before you go to stage 2.
When I told you a 10-year-old child can do this, dont doubt me.
Follow exactly the step below:
Make sure the computer you are using is connected to the internet.
Step 1: Open your Internet Explorer (or any other web browser on the
Step 2: Go to the website:
Step 3: Type the domain name you have decided from stage 1 above in
the box circle red as shown in the picture below.
Note: Dont type www. or the extension (.com). Just type the name
alone in the box
Step 4: Check on the button
Step 5: Click on the
Step 6: Results are displayed.
If your domain name is available, click on "Add To Cart" button
below the box.
Step 7: If your domain name has been taken, one unique and
excellent feature of this website is that it will give you a variety of
other related suggestions. You can look through and choose anyone
you like just by clicking on the box beside the name.
Step 8: If you dont like any of the suggestions, the website also
provide you the opportunity to try as many names as you like at the
same time by typing them into the same box.
Step 9: As soon as you find your required domain name, click on the
button to continue .
Step 10: If you are new to the website, fill the new customer form
shown below making sure you fill in information in all the fields
where you see *.
You can put N/A in the Company Name field if you have none and use
234 as your zip if you are filling from Nigeria.
Note: Remember to choose your state in the state box
Then fill in your login details with your email address and the
password you can easily remember.
Once you have filled the form correctly, click Submit
Step 11: Domain name on this website is only N2,000 for 1year.
And this is the only investment you will make for this business.
Youll be asked to choose how many years you want to pay for
and to confirm your name.
The only information you need to fill here is to change both
primary and secondary name servers to the following:
Primary Nameserver :
Secondary Nameserver :
Click Continue
Step 12: Agree to SPAM POLICY and click on Proceed to
Step 13: Click on Add Funds on the Check Out Page
Fill the amount you want to pay on the next page depending on how
many domains you are paying for or how much you want to fund your
account with.
If you want to do this for many domains to fast track your profit, you
can pay for more than 1 domain if you can afford it now because it will
save you time too. e.g. N4000 for 2 domains, N6000 for 3, and so on.
Finally, click on continue and youll see the instruction on how you
can make your payment and get your domain registered.
Note: Read this before you make your payment for the domain name
Before you can sell your domain, you need to have an email address
that is not from the domain name you want to sell and also not from
any of the free email address providers like Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail,
If you already have one, then good for you.
If you dont have any, then no problem.
When you go to pay for your domain name, add an extra N1,000 to
your payment and send a mail to that you have
paid an extra N1,000 and they should create an email address for you.
Once you have done the above and get the payment confirmation for
your domain name (s), then go to stage 3
All the above steps should take you not more than 20minutes.
Once you have completed the Stage 2 above and get confirmation that
your payment has been confirmed and your domain active, then its
time to make some money.
But before we go on,
What is Domain Parking?
In simple terms, when you have a domain name that is not developed into a
website, you can reach agreement with any company providing domain parking
service in such a way that they will put some codes on the domain such that
whenever anyone types the domain name, your domains will show a page
containing relevant advertising listings and link. When a user clicks on a
sponsored link, you, the domain name owner will receive a cut of the value of the
And the best part of this is that, you dont have to do any work to get this started.
Below is an example of one of my parked domains.
Step 1: Open Internet explorer or any other browser on the computer
Step 2: Go to
Step 3: Click on Start Now (See picture below)
Step 4: Fill your login information. Use a Loginname and any
password you can easily remember.
Note: Free email address like yahoo, gmail, hotmail, e.t.c are not
allowed. So make sure you use a valid email address or the one
provided to you by
Step 5: Fill in your personal information in the form below:
For ZIP, you can write 234 if you are not sure of what to write.
Then Click Next
Step 6. Once you click on next, a confirmation mail will be sent to
your email address. Open the mail and click on the confirmation link.
As soon as that is done, you will get the message below:
Step 7: The next step is to get certified. This is important before you
can start selling domain names.
As soon as you login to your account youll get the image below: Just
click on "Certification Process" to continue
There are 3 categories of certification, as a starter, all you need is the
Standard Certification
Click on Proceed under standard certification as shown below
Step 8: This is where you will need your phone.
3 Options will be given to you
Click on option 3
Option 3 : SMS is what you need to choose.
Step 9: Type in your phone number into the box as shown below
without the "0".
Then Click SEND
Example: If your phone number is 080345678910, type in
Step 10: A text message will be sent to your phone immediately.
Open it and type in the Certification Code as shown below:
Next, Accept the terms by clicking inside the box as shown below, then
click Send
Now you are certified to start selling and parking domain names
Register your domain
Most activities you will be carrying out here will be done under the
menu called My Sedo - (see Red asterisk below).
Step 1: Click on Add Domains
Step 2: Click inside the box and the example will
Step 3: Type in your own domain name (example make
sure you check the spelling very well, no spaces and dont include
Step 4: Accept user agreement by checking the box marked red in the
image below
Step 5: Click Next
Note: If you get the message box below, just click yes to continue
At this stage, your domain name will be checked to be sure it actually
belongs to you.
They will compare the name you register on this site with the name
and address you used in registering your domain name.
Youll get a message in red in the image below
The verification usually takes less than 1 minute.
The next step is to set your website category and the minimum
amount you want:
1. Click on the category box and select the relevant category you think your
domain name belong to.
2. You can leave your currency as $
3. You can type in the minimum amount you think you want for your domain
name in the white box beside the $ sign. You can also decide to leave it
blank people will make offer
4. Then check the small box beside the domain name
5. Click Next
Parking Your Domain
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Login to your account. This is the account you opened when
you created your domain name in stage 1.
Login with your username and password as in the box marked red
Step 3: Once you login, click on my account at the top right hand of
the website as shown below
Step 4: Place your mouse over Domains (not click)
Then Click on List last 10
Step 5: Click on Domain Name - Click To Manage
Step 6: Click on Modify Server Name
Step 7: For Name Server 1: Type in
For Name Server 2: Type in
Step 8: Click on
Final Stage: Conclusion
As soon as you finish with parking your domain, you will be requested
to confirm.
Once this is done, your domain is now LIVE and ready for sale.
If you have chosen a good name, in a good category, your N2,000
investment should give you a very good return in a week or less.
You will notice that this book is this long because I tried to make it as
simple as possible for anyone (even 10 year old) to be able to use it.
Everything you have done so far shouldnt take you more than 2 hours
and once you master this, you can repeat it as many times as possible.
Any other thing you need to do can easily be done by login to your
account and going through everything under My Sedo as shown in the
image below:
You can monitor your domain and make changes by clicking on Domain
As I said at the beginning, this works well for me and I dont see why it should not
work for you.
What I do to fast track my own sales:
1. I usually pay about N1,200 to make sure my domain name appears on top
of any category I listed it. For example, if I list under employment
category, anybody searching for domain to buy in that category will see my
domain name first at the top.
2. Also I spend about N6,000 to make sure my domain name appear on the
front page of their website as a featured domain
3. Another good way to get very high value for your domain is to put it up for
auction. Because I am a Premium Plus Certified member, I dont pay for
this service. You may just have to give them 10% commission on the
amount you realised from the sale. Which I think is fair enough.
4. I used to do this when I first started, but now that I know what a good
domain that will sell is, I dont do it anymore: - Once I register my domain,
I pay the management of the site to help me appraise it. By this, they will
tell me how much it can sell for and the best and fastest way to sell it. This
usually cost me N7,000 to get an appraisal done within 3 days. But if I am
not in a hurry, it can be done for about N4,000 but will take 7days
Well, there you have it.
I have told you exactly what I do and how I do it. Nothing held back for you.
Again, if you are still not sure, look at the list below and see what people are
making by reselling just 1 domain name that cost only N2,000 to buy.
Just look at the Recent Sales on your right.
Your success now will depend on 2 things:
1. Take ACTION NOW! - Dont wait till tomorrow
2. Put on your thinking cap to get good domain name
I wish you all the best
And remember, Success Is Not An Accident.
Bright Esiuke
1. Please share this report with as many people as possible. You never can
tell, you may be saving somebodys life - and you will be happier for it. To
do this, just tell them to visit and theyll get
their own copy.
2. If you are interested in getting several other sources of easy income from
the internet, always visit
3. If you have any specific question or you are getting confused, just send
your question to
I will be updating the site with different money making tips, whenever I can
create time to do it.