I wish!
No matter how many kids you have running around, there are chores that need to be done, and I think I might FINALLY have something in place that will get all the little things done that need to be done around the house. And no, I did not have 5 children so they could be my minions. I am merely instilling responsibility in them now since when they grow up they will be doing chores around their own pad.
[Who am I kidding? Odds are at least two of the five will turn out like me: MESSY and SLOBBY but can find anything in a pinch for about 20 years after leaving home and THEN the realization will hit them around 40 that keeping things kinda picked up and purged is a lot easier than cleaning for days at a time after it gets out of hand!]
Just head over to my its-a-good-kind-of-crazy blog about my life, The Kerrie Show, to check out my chore chart. You also get a bonus Funny Bathroom Cleaning Instructions. Its a little service I like to provide, no charge.