This year I finally have Internet at home so there is no stopping me from reaching those financial goals. Lets get there together! I love to hear from you!
Aint no hidin from the IRS for me!
Instead of putting this in the sidebar, its going to be a blog post updated weekly. Remember that some weeks I am not able to work much, what with homeschooling 5 kids and having a husband who is out of town (excuses, excuses). Sometimes I am able to work a lot. Some weeks will reflect that I didnt work much but got many checks in the mail. Thats why I average out the weeks every now and then, since once week looks like Im a rockstar and one week looks like Im a loser.
Lately I havent been working much at all but the checks come in from when I was working hard, so it looks like Im a gazillionaire, but I can assure you I am not. I need to start figuring in when I pay a sitter and deduct that from my earnings. Maybe next year! It isnt that often and hubby is supposed to stop traveling as of August 2012.
Week 41 (Starts Oct. 8)
INCOME: $80 RPM check; $125 BlogHer campaigns, $10.02 BlogHer ads, $50 RPM check
Week 40 (starts Oct. 1), 5.5 hours, $47.25/hour
INCOME: $240 Australian parenting magazine, $19.85 ebook
NOTE: Laptop fell in the lake so I was limited this week!
Week 39 (starts Sept. 24), 6 hours, $12.50/hour
INCOME: $75 blogging for regional parenting mag online
Week 38 (starts Sept. 17), 12 hours, $3.83/hour
INCOME: $1 ebook!, $45 reprint check
Week 37 (starts Sept. 10), 6.75 hours/$18.15/hour
INCOME: $23 reprint check, $50 reprint check, $20 reprint check, $29.53 BlogHer ads
Week 36, 7.25 hours/$9.66/hour
INCOME: $30 reprint check, $40 reprint check
Week 35, 8.25 hours, $19.98/hour
Week 34, 10.25 hours, $33.64/hour
Week 33, 6.75 hours, $0.00/hour. Yep, I got NO MONEY this week! All those small-hour weeks have caught up with me. This is going to affect my average for sure. Still, pays better than a lot of jobs, and I get to sit outside and write and watch my kids at the same time. Next week should be better :-)
Week 32, 5.75 hours, $13.04/hour (working on doing giveaways and reviews)
Week 31, 2.75 hours, $32.67/hour
Week 30, 3 hours, $34.95/hour
Week 29, 2.75 hours, $30.85/hour
YTD average of $34.67/hour
YTD 133.75 hours, $4636.45 income
Week 28, 6.50 hours, $23.21/hour (got a sitter!)
Week 27, 1.50 hours, $49.40/hour
Week 26, 1.75 hours, $128.57/hour
Week 25, .50 hours, $149.40/hour
Week 24, .50 hours, $89.70/hour
Week 23, .50 hours, $279.40/hour
Week 22, 1.75 hours, $22.86/hour
Week 21, 2.75 hours, $80.73/hour
Week 20, 4.2 hours, $37.65/hour
Week 19, 2.5 hours, $116/hour
Week 18, 1.5 hours, $-0/hour
(preparing to leave town)
Week 17, 2.5 hours, $44/hour
(husband out of town)
Week 16, 2.25 hours, $15.56/hour
(Contently slowing down, sadly)
Week 15, 2.5 hours, $60/hour
Week 14, 4 hours, $79.21/hour
Week 13, 3.25 hours, $60.59/hour
YTD average of $26.30/hour
Week 12, 3 hours, $18.28/hour
Week 11, 4.25 hours, $28.16/hour
Week 10, 4 hours, $53.46/hour
Week 9, 14.25 hours, $20.11/hour
Week 8, 5.5 hours, $27.27/hour
Week 7, 10.25 hours, $27.71/hour
Week 6, 9.25 hours, $35.14/hour
Week 5, 8 hours, $28.96/hour
Week 4, 6.75 hours, $7.41/hour
Week 3, 8.25 hours, $40.24/hour
Week 2, 8.75 hours, $14.84/hour
Week 1, 10.25 hours, $13.99/hour
Week 52, 11 hours, $13.64/hour